WhatsApp Image 2020-12-22 at 21.39.34


Marketing & Sales Coordinator


2017 – present The Hague University of Applied Sciences, abbreviated THUAS, is a university of applied sciences with its campuses located in and around The Hague in the Randstad metropolitan region in the west of the Netherlands in Graduation Year for Bachelor.
2016 – 2019 Hofstad Lyceum the Hague Havo 
2019 Sept – 2019 Nov Minor in Creative Marketing –  The Hague University of Applied Sciences
2019 Oct – 2020 Jan Minor SME Takeover – The Hague University of Applied Sciences


Working Experience (in chronological order):

Internship B-Spoken From September 2020 Rein is doing a challenging internship at B-Spoken until end January 2021 Continuing from February 2021 till July 2021 Rein will do his final Theses in B-Spoken too.  Per 28 December 2020 Rein has the coordinator roll in the Marketing & Sales department.  Rein is a member of Golf Club Kleiburg in Rotterdam where he is part of the 1st men’s team with handicap 0.0. He is a member of the Foundation Topgolf Brielle – Kleiburg who support talented youth members in their golf training.